Thursday, September 4, 2008

Pro Trig Debate

I couldn't have said it better myself.

I don't know if you saw the RNC on Wednesday night or not. If not you missed a moment in history. The speeches were great, but better than that, little Piper Palin holding her baby brother Trig and looking at him like he was the greatest creation on the planet. Smoothing his hair and loving all over him.

90% of his Down Syndrome counterparts never make it out of the womb. They have gone ahead to Heaven, but what have their families missed by sending them on? Probably their greatest creation.


Christy said...

I saw that and it was priceless! I did notice how they didn't focus on it for very long, though. Didn't you just love Sarah Palin??

JustTheFactsMa'am said...

The best shot of Piper was when she licked her hand and smoothed Trig's hair down. Priceless! We howled with laughter and totally missed what Palin was saying during that 3 minutes or so that we were trying to regain our composure. So very cute...

Susie said...

It was the best speech EVER! Her family is just precious!